The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches - Piss Off

P-I-S-S-O-F-F Hey!

I remember way back when
When I wanted you to be mine
And now that I've kind of had you
I wonder, was it all just a waste of time?
And did it make sense jumping into something
Knowing that I'd get hurt?
I don't know, but my boss thinks not
It makes me less productive at work!

And all my friends told me: Look out!
'Cause you were treating me like
I swallowed my pride and bit my tongue
And I thought nothing of it!
I blame whatevership's termination
On why things are never fine!
I've dreaded this moment from the day that we met
But we have to say goodbye!

Now all I do is drink and smoke with all my friends
I regret not moving on
Even though I said I did
Yeah blah blah!
How many times do I have to call you
Just because you call me first?
You see
We're nothing together but a bunch of obligations
That just make me feel worse!

And why was I the last to know
When you ride some other guy?
And why should I have even cared
That night you said you cried?
My stomach threw up my daily nutrition
And your anti-morals robbed me blind!
I loved you, and you blew it
And you broke your own heart
So eat this last goodbye!

And all that money we blew on each other
Did it mean so little
That you could just go find another?
To replace me, whatever I meant
Piss off, go to Hell!
When can I get over this/Stop hating myself?

And as the day goes on
I'll find someone better!
I'll go it alone
And brave the cold weather
Through these blizzard-like conditions
Screaming, if I'm still alive
Piss off! This is the last goodbye!

This is the last goodbye!